Ojibwe Words For Inches
Grade: Undetermined

inwemowin - Pronunciation Key

Ojibwe English Number
ningogoninj One inch 1"
niiNzhogoninj Two inches 2"
nisogoninj Three inches 3"
niiyogoninj Four inches 4"
naanogoninj Five inches 5"
ingodwaasogoninj Six inches 6"
niiNzhwaasogoninj Seven inches 7"
nishwaasogoninj Eight inches 8"
zhaaNgasogoninj Nine inches 9"
midaasogoninj Ten inches 10"
ashibezhigoninj Eleven inches 11"
ashiiNzhogoninj Twelve inches 12"

Note: The measuring unit is a finger (Part of the body) ninj is the ojibwe word for finger.
(Must be written as one word)

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inwemowin - Pronunciation Key