SAF Code of Ethics




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MACF members are encouraged, but not bound, to abide by the Society of American Foresters' Code: 


Stewardship of the land is the cornerstone of the forestry profession. The purpose of these canons is to govern the professional conduct of members of the Society of American Foresters in their relations with the land, the public, their employers, including clients, and each other as provided in Article VII of the Society's Constitution. Compliance with these canons demonstrates our respect for the land and our commitment to the wise management of ecosystems, and ensures just and honorable professional and human relationships, mutual confidence and respect, and competent service to society. These canons have been adopted by the membership of the Society and can only be amended by the membership. Procedures for processing charges of violation of these canons are contained in Bylaws established by the Council. The canons and procedures apply to all membership categories in all forestry-related disciplines, except Honorary Members. All members upon joining the Society agree to abide by this Code as a condition of membership.


1. A member will advocate and practice land management consistent with ecologically sound principles.

2. A member's knowledge and skills will be utilized for the benefit of society. A member will strive for accurate, current, and increasing knowledge of forestry, will communicate such knowledge when not confidential, and will challenge and correct untrue statements about forestry.

3. A member will advertise only in a dignified and truthful manner, stating the services the member is qualified and prepared to perform. Such advertisements may include references to fees charged.

4. A member will base public comment on forestry matters on accurate knowledge and will not distort or withhold pertinent information to substantiate a point of view. Prior to making public statements on forest policies and practices, a member will indicate on whose behalf the statements are made.

5. A member will perform services consistent with the highest standards of quality and with loyalty to the employer.

6. A member will perform only those services for which the member is qualified by education or experience.

7. A member who is asked to participate in forestry operations which deviate from accepted professional standards must advise the employer in advance of the consequences of such deviation.

8. A member will not voluntarily disclose information concerning the affairs of the member's employer without the employer's express permission.

9. A member must avoid conflicts of interest or even the appearance of such conflicts. If, despite such precaution, a conflict of interest is discovered, it must be promptly and fully disclosed to the member's employer and the member must be prepared to act immediately to resolve the conflict.

10. A member will not accept compensation or expenses from more than one employer for the same service, unless the parties involved are informed and consent.

11. A member will engage, or advise the member's employer to engage, other experts and specialists in forestry or related fields whenever the employer's interest would be best served by such action, and a member will work cooperatively with other professionals.

12. A member will not by false statement or dishonest action injure the reputation or professional associations of another member.

13. A member will give credit for the methods, ideas, or assistance obtained from others.

14. A member in competition for supplying forestry services will encourage the prospective employer to base selection on comparison of qualifications and negotiation of fee or salary.

15. Information submitted by a member about a candidate for a prospective position, award, or elected office will be accurate, factual, and objective.

16. A member having evidence of violation of these canons by another member will present the information and charges to the Council in accordance with the Bylaws.

(Adopted by the Society of American Foresters by Member Referendum, June 23, 1976 replacing the code adopted November 12, 1948, as amended December 4, 19,71. The 1976 code was amended November 4, 1986 and November 2, 1992.)

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Last modified: October 03, 2019
© 2001-2019  Minnesota Association of Consulting Foresters, P.O. Box 1171, Bemidji MN 56619-1171, USA