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Asthma Management

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Asthma affects an estimated 10 million people in the United States alone.  Approximately 10-20% of these people suffer with severe or poorly managed asthma.  In 1990, the cost of asthma was estimated to be 6.2 billion dollars.  

Asthma is a highly treatable condition when properly managed.  It has been shown that intervention and information from Pharmacists can significantly decrease the number of emergency room visits yearly.

Aspects of Iverson Corner Drug's Asthma Care:

  • Educate Patients about their disease
    • Allows patients to better understand what asthma is
    • Through better understanding of what asthma is, our patients are able to maximize the effects of medication to minimize their symptoms.
    • By minimizing their symptoms they can achieve a higher quality of life.
  • Educate Patients about proper medication use
    • Know what each medications is, how each should be used and when it should be used to maximize effectiveness.
    • Know the positive and negative effects your medications may have and ways to monitor for each to keep you feeling your best.
  • Develop individualized care plans for each Patient
    • Follow National Institute of Health Guidelines
    • Work closely with your Physician
    • Tailor your care plan specifically to your symptoms

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Copyright © 2001 Iverson Corner Drug
Last modified: January 25, 2001